Bailli range

Aop côtes de Provence

Our Bailli de Provence wine is created by careful selection the best terroirs of the Provence appellation. Year after year, this wine is a must-have because it is the promise of quality, pleasure, and conviviality.
Bailli de Provence was created to pay tribute to Pierre André de Suffren, given the title of “Bailli de Suffren” by the Order of Malta. This famous seaman from Provence is the most widely-known French admiral abroad and his statue stands proudly on the Quai de Suffren in Saint-Tropez.

Our signature wines
Our signature wines
Our signature wines
Our signature wines

Mistral range

Aop côtes de Provence

The Châtellenie de Mistral vineyard is situated in the foothills of the Maures Massif at the heart of the Côtes de Provence appellation. Our Châtellenie de Mistral wines reflect the enchanting Mediterranean terroir, its generous soil set on crystalline bedrock, the maritime mildness, and the hot and dry climate. And, of course, its famously powerful and changeable Mistral wind. So, the name Châtellenie de Mistral refers to this famous protector of the vines of Provence and conveys the passion that we put into making elegant, fresh, and fruity wines in keeping with the gentle way of life so typical of Provence.


We can help you to develop your brand ideas: we can assist in everything from sourcing the wines to the design of your personalised label